Travel blog

Blissfully Back in Berlin

By on September 15, 2014

It’s great being back in Berlin. We both love this city. It’s a fabulous mix of energy, cultures and the indefinable spark of Berlin itself. It’s shockingly green. Before coming here, I suppose I’d imagined it’d be wall-to-wall cement blocks with teeming streets. Not a lush, willow-filled calm.

We’re in Moabit again, back in our original parking spot. And now we have a Czech neighbor, in his own van, which is more than cool. We might have more visitors coming.

2014-09-08 11.49.03We’d had such a long and somehow manic trip through the Baltics and Scandinavia that it’s really nice to take a breather in a familiar place. It’s also super nice to return to normal prices, i.e. not Oslo. Goodness, that place was overpriced for the simplest of things.

We’re glad we had the experience, but I doubt we’d go back unless it was funded by sources other than ourselves. Grin.

Another thing I really love about Berlin: the street art. A lot of it is really beautiful and artistic; in one nearby street you walk past classical images next to twisting abstracts.

2014-09-08 13.35.44People leave people to themselves, pretty much, which is both good and bad. We don’t get the ‘usual’ strange stares of our van life, but on the other hand we’ve been told that Berliners are distant and quite difficult to connect with.

We’ve both been busy on new projects and maintaining our clients. The local library has supplied me with some new books (someone really had a Morris West obsession-?) and I’ve started writing a letter book to a friend.

Armando’s getting back into his swimming and cycling regime, while juggling several video projects. His Oslo Opera House video has been highlighted recently, which is uber cool.

There’s not too much else to tell, really. We’re trying to get back on track with our website now that our travel has quieted a bit. We’ll keep you in touch, eh? Mel, Armando and Mork



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