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Travel blog

The South of France: Drive-by Cities, Gypsies and Flamingos

By on May 26, 2015

Growing up in rural Montana, I never thought I’d travel through ultra-chic places on the French Riviera. It’s interesting how absolutely uninteresting most famous* places have been.
Nice, not the…

Travel blog

Bonjour from France: The Riviera and Quietude

By on May 19, 2015

This will be a short post, heavy on images. The past few days were spent on the French Riviera (now that’s a place I’d never imagined visiting-!) and taking…

Fun Facts

30 Actually Interesting Facts About France

By on October 16, 2013

Ah, Paris.
You can’t say the name without evoking thoughts of the Eiffel Tower in a beret, smoking a Galoise and still managing to look chic.
France is intriguing. It makes…

Travel blog

Whirlwind Work European Tour 2013: Full Circle, Back in Milan

By on September 22, 2013

We arrived back in Milan last night, after nearly 3 months of intense travel from our European Tour. Our highest points: the sunset over Berlin from a parking garage;…

Travel blog

Paris on the Horizon After French Coast Camping Oddities

By on September 5, 2013


We’re collecting all of our bits and bobs from our last year, with the intent of putting them into organized chaos for our new website. I should say ‘in…

Travel blog

Making the Most of the French Coast

By on September 2, 2013

Only a couple of weeks have passed since our tragedy. Sometimes everything seems so real- yet sometimes so unreal.

Sometimes it even seems that nothing ever happened. Mel was…