Eight Stops to Otranto
We’ve been all over Lecce-Salento-Otranto. I’d like to see a country singer try to make a song out of that. Grin. I think it’d be particularly compelling with a…
We’ve been all over Lecce-Salento-Otranto. I’d like to see a country singer try to make a song out of that. Grin. I think it’d be particularly compelling with a…
A wise auntie of mine once told me that what you send out in the world, energy-wise, you receive.
The only conclusion I can garner from that and our recent…
Ok, I’ll be the first to admit I love the fact that I can now say: I lived with a circus for a bit. It sounds so preposterous, so…
Our lives have taken an unexpected twist that we’re all three (me, Armando and Mork) pretty excited about: we’re going to have an additional traveler as a part of…
Coming back to Italy, in Puglia exactly- maybe coming back to a part of my own country- I started to rediscover politics just a week before the Italian election…
‘There are pieces of us everywhere I step, so I try to step carefully.’
The only excuse I can give for being quiet on the blog is simple: it’s been…
We spent more time than expected in Patras, Greece waiting for the ferry, but it did give us a chance to a.) sleep in a restaurant parking lot and…