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Travel blog

Eight Stops to Otranto

By on March 21, 2013

We’ve been all over Lecce-Salento-Otranto. I’d like to see a country singer try to make a song out of that. Grin. I think it’d be particularly compelling with a…

Travel blog

A Bio B & B with Balmy Beaches: Masseria Ospitale

By on March 12, 2013

A wise auntie of mine once told me that what you send out in the world, energy-wise, you receive.

The only conclusion I can garner from that and our recent…

Travel blog

Circus Life and Locals Lacking Tact

By on March 7, 2013

Ok, I’ll be the first to admit I love the fact that I can now say: I lived with a circus for a bit. It sounds so preposterous, so…

Travel blog

Life Is a Circus: Surprises from the Big Top

By on February 28, 2013

Our lives have taken an unexpected twist that we’re all three (me, Armando and Mork) pretty excited about: we’re going to have an additional traveler as a part of…

Travel blog

Election Day, Italian Styles

By on February 26, 2013

Coming back to Italy, in Puglia exactly- maybe coming back to a part of my own country- I started to rediscover politics just a week before the Italian election…

Travel blog

Tranquility in a Trullo: Southern Italy

By on February 25, 2013

‘There are pieces of us everywhere I step, so I try to step carefully.’
The only excuse I can give for being quiet on the blog is simple: it’s been…

Travel blog

An Intro to Italy, Ciao to Greece

By on February 18, 2013

We spent more time than expected in Patras, Greece waiting for the ferry, but it did give us a chance to a.) sleep in a restaurant parking lot and…